A Career in Legal Services: Practising Law Institute Honors Toby J. Rothschild
PLI honors Toby J. Rothschild with its inaugural Victor J. Rubino Award for Excellence in Pro Bono Training, recognizing his dedication and impact.

A Data-Driven Look At Law Firm Recruitment Success
We've selected a group of 10 law firms for a close examination of their recruitment 'return on investment.'

If You Want Women To Work At Your Firm, Show Them Women Have Power At Your Firm
Women coming out of law school want to know what they'll actually be able to accomplish at their law firms.

Deviations From The Norm: The Lawyer ‘Type’ And Legal Hiring
Is there a place for trait-assessment testing in Biglaw hiring?

Résumés: The Harsh Reality
What are law firms looking for in a résumé? Anonymous Recruitment Director reveals all.

Tuning Up Your Office Systems, Client Relationships, And Operating Documents
Join us on March 26th for this CLE-eligible webinar led by Claude Ducloux where he'll dive into the strategic implications of adapting ethical practices to a distributed environment.

Strategic Career Choices And (Yawn) Cover Letters
How can you break into Biglaw if you didn't get a summer associate job as a 2L?

Greetings From Anonymous Recruitment Director
Please welcome our newest columnist, the director of recruiting for a major law firm.

The Social Law Firm Index: Biglaw’s New Media Mavens
The Social Law Firm Index: a review of the Am Law 50's use of social media in the areas of reach, engagement, and owned media.

Biglaw’s Brave New Social World
Why are law firms putting effort into social media, and how well are they doing?

8 Tips For Creating A Comprehensive ‘AI In The Workplace’ Policy
Corporate investment and usage in generative AI technologies continues to accelerate. This article offers eight specific tips to consider when creating an AI usage policy.